Armistice Day, Remembering the End of World War I.
The theme of this English resource is “Learn casual English through real events.”
Section 1: The Significance of Armistice Day
Armistice Day marks the end of World War I, a conflict that lasted for more than four years and involved many nations around the globe. On November 11, 1918, Germany and the United States signed an armistice agreement, bringing an end to hostilities. This day is commemorated as an international day of remembrance, honoring those who served and sacrificed during the Great War. Today, it’s important to remember the lessons learned from this war and to “keep the peace” for future generations.
Q1: What is the significance of November 11, 1918?
Sample Answer: November 11, 1918, marks the day when an armistice agreement was signed between Germany and the United States, ending World War I.
Q2: How is Armistice Day observed in the United States today?
Sample Answer: In the United States, Armistice Day is now called Veterans Day, and it honors all military veterans with ceremonies and moments of silence.
Q3: What lesson can we learn from World War I?
Sample Answer: One lesson we can learn from World War I is that conflicts can “get out of hand” quickly if not addressed through diplomacy and cooperation.
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom Explanation: “Keep the peace“
“Keep the peace” means to maintain peace and avoid conflict. It is often used in contexts where harmony and stability are desired.
Example Sentence: The neighbors had a small argument, but they decided to “keep the peace” for the sake of their community.
セクション 1: 休戦記念日の重要性
Q1: 1918年11月11日の重要性は何ですか?
サンプルアンサー: 1918年11月11日は、ドイツとアメリカの間で休戦協定が結ばれ、第一次世界大戦が終結した日です。
Q2: 今日、アメリカではどのように休戦記念日が祝われていますか?
サンプルアンサー: アメリカでは、休戦記念日は現在ベテランズデーと呼ばれ、全ての軍人を讃えるために式典や黙祷が行われています。
Q3: 第一次世界大戦から学べる教訓は何ですか?
サンプルアンサー: 第一次世界大戦から学べる教訓は、紛争は外交と協力を通じて対処しないとすぐに”手に負えなくなる”ことがあるということです。
イディオムの解説: “平和を保つ“
: “Keep the peace“
例文: 近所の人たちは小さな口論をしましたが、コミュニティのために”平和を保つ“ことにしました。
Section 2: How Armistice Day is Observed

Armistice Day is observed in different ways around the world. In the United States, it eventually became Veterans Day, a day to honor all military veterans. Ceremonies are held at war memorials, and moments of silence are observed to “pay tribute” to those who fought. In some countries, people wear red poppies as a symbol of remembrance. The goal of these ceremonies is not only to remember the past but also to encourage future generations to value peace and freedom.
Q1: What is Armistice Day now called in the United States?
Sample Answer: Armistice Day is now called Veterans Day in the United States.
Q2: How is Armistice Day observed in the United States today?
Sample Answer: In the United States, Armistice Day is now called Veterans Day, and it honors all military veterans with ceremonies and moments of silence.
Q3: What symbol is often worn on Armistice Day in some countries?
Sample Answer: In some countries, people wear red poppies as a symbol of remembrance.
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom Explanation: “Pay tribute“
“Pay tribute” means to show respect or admiration for someone or something, often in a formal way. It can be used when commemorating important people or events.
Example Sentence: The community gathered to “pay tribute” to the soldiers who fought in the war.
セクション 2: 休戦記念日の祝われ方
Q2: 今日、アメリカではどのように休戦記念日が祝われていますか?
サンプルアンサー: アメリカでは、休戦記念日は現在ベテランズデーと呼ばれ、全ての退役軍人を讃えるために式典や黙祷が行われています。
Q1: アメリカでは休戦記念日は今何と呼ばれていますか?
サンプルアンサー: アメリカでは休戦記念日は現在ベテランズデーと呼ばれています。
Q3: 一部の国で休戦記念日に身に着けられるシンボルは何ですか?
サンプルアンサー: 一部の国では、赤いポピーの花が追悼のシンボルとして身に着けられます。
イディオムの解説: “敬意を表す“
: “Pay tribute“”敬意を表す”とは、誰かや何かに対して尊敬や感謝の気持ちを示すことを意味します。重要な人々や出来事を記念する際によく使われます。
例文: コミュニティは戦争で戦った兵士たちに”敬意を表す“ために集まりました。
Section 3: Lessons Learned from World War I

World War I taught us many lessons about the cost of war and the importance of diplomacy. It showed how quickly conflicts can “get out of hand” if not addressed early on. The Great War was a stark reminder of the consequences of unchecked aggression and the need for international cooperation. Today, these lessons remind us to value dialogue and negotiation over conflict, ensuring that the horrors of the past do not repeat themselves.
Q1: What did World War I teach us about conflicts?
Sample Answer: World War I taught us that conflicts can get out of hand quickly if not addressed early on.
Q2: Why is international cooperation important according to the lessons of World War I?
Sample Answer: International cooperation is important to prevent the unchecked aggression that led to World War I.
Q3: What can we do today to avoid the horrors of the past?
Sample Answer: We can value dialogue and negotiation over conflict to ensure the horrors of the past do not repeat themselves.
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom Explanation: “Get out of hand“
“Get out of hand” means to become uncontrollable or chaotic. It is often used to describe situations that escalate beyond what was expected or manageable.
Example Sentence: The debate between the two friends started off calmly, but it soon “got out of hand” when they began shouting at each other.
セクション 3: 第一次世界大戦から学んだ教訓
Q3: 第一次世界大戦からどのような教訓を学べますか?
サンプルアンサー: 第一次世界大戦から学べる教訓は、紛争は外交と協力を通じて対処しないとすぐに”手に負えなくなる”ことがあるということです。
Q1: 第一次世界大戦は紛争について何を教えてくれましたか?
サンプルアンサー: 第一次世界大戦は、紛争が初期段階で対処されないとすぐに手に負えなくなることを教えてくれました。
Q2: なぜ第一次世界大戦の教訓によると国際協力が重要ですか?
サンプルアンサー: 国際協力は、第一次世界大戦に至った抑制されない侵略を防ぐために重要です。
Q3: 今日、過去の恐怖を避けるために何ができますか?
サンプルアンサー: 私たちは、過去の恐怖を繰り返さないように対話と交渉を重視することができます。
イディオムの解説: “手に負えなくなる“
: “Get out of hand“
例文: 二人の友人の議論は最初は穏やかに始まりましたが、すぐにお互いに怒鳴り始めて”手に負えなくなりました“。
Section 1: The Coronation of Emperor Showa
On November 10, 1928, Emperor Showa (Hirohito) officially ascended to the Chrysanthemum Throne in Kyoto. This grand coronation was a momentous occasion that drew interest from both domestic and international audiences, showcasing Japan’s deep-rooted imperial traditions. The ceremony represented the continuation of Japan’s imperial lineage, ensuring that the Chrysanthemum Throne would be “passed down the line” from generation to generation.
Q1: When was Emperor Showa’s coronation held?
- A1: Emperor Showa’s coronation was held on November 10, 1928.
Q2: What did Emperor Showa’s coronation symbolize?
- A2: It symbolized the continuation of Japan’s imperial lineage.
Q3: Where did the coronation take place?
- A3: The coronation took place in Kyoto.
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom: “Passed down the line” Meaning: To be passed from one generation to the next. Example: The tradition was passed down the line, ensuring that it remained a part of the family for generations.
セクション 1:昭和天皇の即位
イディオム:「Passed down the line」
Section 2: Cultural Significance of the Coronation

The coronation of Emperor Showa was more than just a political event; it was a cultural milestone that reflected Japan’s rich traditions and beliefs. The sacred regalia, including the mirror, sword, and jewel, played a key role in emphasizing the divine connection between the emperor and Shintoism. This ceremony was a clear indication that Japan intended to “keep one foot in the past” while also moving toward modernization, blending tradition with progress.
Q1: What role did the sacred regalia play in the coronation?
- A1: The sacred regalia emphasized the divine connection between the emperor and Shintoism.
Q2: What does the coronation reflect about Japan?
- A2: It reflects Japan’s intention to honor tradition while embracing modernization.
Q3: How did Japan balance tradition and progress during the coronation?
- A3: Japan balanced tradition and progress by keeping one foot in the past while moving toward modernization.
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom: “Keep one foot in the past” Meaning: To respect and maintain traditions while also embracing new changes. Example: The family decided to keep one foot in the past by celebrating traditional holidays while also adapting to modern customs.
セクション 2:即位式の文化的意義
イディオム:「Keep one foot in the past」
Section 3: International Reactions

Many international representatives and diplomats attended Emperor Showa’s coronation, highlighting Japan’s growing presence on the world stage. The event was a chance for Japan to “roll out the red carpet” and show its cultural richness and diplomatic aspirations. The congratulatory messages from foreign nations underscored the friendly relations Japan was fostering and its desire to be recognized as a modern, cooperative nation.
Q1: Who attended Emperor Showa’s coronation?
- A1: Many international representatives and diplomats attended.
Q2: What did the coronation signify for Japan’s international status?
- A2: It signified Japan’s growing presence on the world stage.
Q3: How did Japan present itself during the coronation?
- A3: Japan rolled out the red carpet to showcase its cultural richness and diplomatic aspirations.
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom: “Roll out the red carpet” Meaning: To give special treatment or show hospitality, often to important guests. Example: The city rolled out the red carpet for the visiting dignitaries, hosting a grand welcoming ceremony.
セクション 3:国際的な反応
イディオム:「Roll out the red carpet」
