10月26日伊藤博文暗殺 – 歴史の転換点1909年


The Assassination of Hirobumi Ito – A Turning Point in History

The theme of this English resource is “Learn casual English through real events.”

1. The Background of Hirobumi Ito

Alright, let’s set the scene: it’s 1909, and Hirobumi Ito is one of the most influential figures in Japan. As the first Prime Minister of Japan, he played a big role in modernizing the country and strengthening its presence in East Asia. But not everyone was a fan of his policies, especially those in Korea, which was under increasing Japanese influence at the time. People were fed up with Japan’s tightening grip, and this led to a lot of resentment. Ito was seen by many as the face of this oppression, and that set the stage for what was to come.

Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?

Sample Answer: “It’s interesting to see how Ito was such a significant figure in Japan’s modernization. However, it’s clear that his actions also caused a lot of tension, especially in Korea.”

Q2: Please summarize this article.

Sample Answer: “This part of the article talks about Hirobumi Ito’s role in Japan’s history and the increasing resentment from Korea due to Japan’s influence, which created a tense environment

Now, let’s talk using idioms.

・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.

Idiom used: “Fed up to the teeth”
Explanation: This idiom means being extremely annoyed or angry about something, to the point where one cannot tolerate it any longer.

Example Sentence: “After months of overtime work without any extra pay, the employees were fed up to the teeth and decided to demand fair compensation.”

1. The Background of Hirobumi Ito


Q1: この記事のこの部分についてどう思いますか?
サンプル回答: 「伊藤が日本の近代化において非常に重要な人物だったことが興味深いです。しかし、彼の行動が特に韓国で多くの緊張を引き起こしたことも明らかです。」

Q2: この記事を要約してください。
サンプル回答: 「この部分は、伊藤博文の日本の歴史における役割と、韓国での日本の影響による高まる不満がどのように緊張を生んだかを説明しています。」

Idiom used: “Fed up to the teeth”和訳: 「Fed up to the teeth」とは、何かに非常に苛立ちや怒りを感じており、これ以上我慢できない状態を意味します。
和訳: 「何ヶ月も残業をしても追加の給料が出ないことに、従業員たちは我慢の限界に達し、公正な報酬を求めることにしました。」

2. The Assassination by An Jung-geun

On October 26, 1909, Hirobumi Ito was in Harbin, Manchuria, when he was assassinated by An Jung-geun, a Korean independence activist. An was fed up to the teeth with Japanese imperialism and took matters into his own hands. It was like he decided to take the bull by the horns, knowing full well the consequences. This act wasn’t just about killing a political figure; it symbolized the deep frustration and desire for independence that many Koreans felt at the time. An was arrested immediately, but his actions echoed across East Asia, sparking discussions on both sides about imperialism and freedom.

Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?

Sample Answer: “I think An Jung-geun’s actions show how desperate people were to resist Japanese control. It’s a tragic but powerful symbol of the struggle for independence.”

Q2: Please summarize this article.

Sample Answer: “This section describes the assassination of Hirobumi Ito by An Jung-geun, who was protesting Japanese imperialism. It highlights the frustration and desire for Korean independence.”

Now, let’s talk using idioms.

・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.

Idiom used: “Take the bull by the horns”
Explanation: This idiom means to confront a difficult situation directly and with courage, without hesitating.

Example Sentence: “She decided to take the bull by the horns and address the issue of unfair treatment in her workplace.”

2. The Assassination by An Jung-geun


Q1: この記事のこの部分についてどう思いますか?
サンプル回答: 「安重根の行動は、日本の支配に抵抗する人々の絶望感を表していると思います。悲劇的ですが、独立のための闘いの強力な象徴でもあります。」

Q2: この記事を要約してください。
サンプル回答: 「この部分では、日本の帝国主義に抗議する安重根が伊藤博文を暗殺したことが説明されています。それは韓国の独立への不満と願望を強調するものでした。」

イディオム: “Take the bull by the horns”和訳: 「牛の角をつかむ」説明: このイディオムは、困難な状況に対して躊躇せず、勇気を持って立ち向かうことを意味します。
和訳: 「彼女は勇気を持って職場での不公平な扱いについて直接問題に立ち向かうことに決めました。」

3. The Aftermath and Impact

The assassination of Hirobumi Ito was like throwing a match into a powder keg. It heightened tensions between Japan and Korea, and many saw it as a turning point that led to even harsher Japanese control over Korea. An Jung-geun became a symbol of resistance, a hero to some and a criminal to others. It’s kind of like when someone stands up against a bully—even if they get punished, people remember their courage. For Korea, this event became a rallying point in their fight for independence, though it would be many years before they achieved it.

Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?

Sample Answer: “It’s sad how the assassination led to even harsher conditions for Korea, but it also shows the bravery of those who stood up against oppression.”

Q2: Please summarize this article.

Sample Answer: “This section explains how the assassination of Ito led to increased tensions and harsher Japanese control over Korea. An Jung-geun became a symbol of resistance for the Korean people.”

Now, let’s talk using idioms.

・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.

Idiom used: “Throwing a match into a powder keg”
Explanation: This idiom means to do something that could cause a major and sudden outbreak of conflict or trouble, similar to igniting a highly volatile situation.

Example Sentence: “The controversial speech was like throwing a match into a powder keg, sparking protests across the city.”

3. The Aftermath and Impact


Q1: この記事のこの部分についてどう思いますか?
サンプル回答: 「暗殺が韓国にとってさらに厳しい状況をもたらしたのは悲しいですが、抑圧に立ち向かった人々の勇気も示されています。」

Q2: この記事を要約してください。
サンプル回答: 「この部分では、伊藤の暗殺がどのように緊張を高め、韓国に対する日本の支配を厳しくしたかを説明しています。安重根は韓国人にとって抵抗の象徴となりました。」

イディオム: “Throwing a match into a powder keg”和訳: 「火薬庫に火を投じる」説明: このイディオムは、非常に不安定な状況に火をつけるような行為を意味し、重大で突然の対立やトラブルを引き起こすことを表します。
和訳: 「その物議を醸す演説は、火薬庫に火を投じるようなものであり、市全体で抗議活動を引き起こしました。」
