10月27日吉田松陰の処刑 – 変革への犠牲1859年


The Execution of Yoshida Shoin – A Sacrifice for Change

The theme of this English resource is “Learn casual English through real events.”

1. The Life and Vision of Yoshida Shoin

Yoshida Shoin was an influential educator during the Bakumatsu period of Japan, known for his forward-thinking ideas about Japan’s modernization and opening to the world. He believed Japan needed to adapt and learn from the West to remain strong, and he wasn’t afraid to take risks to pursue this vision. Shoin tried to stow away on an American ship to learn more about Western knowledge—a bold move that showed his determination. He also taught many future leaders of Japan who played significant roles in the Meiji Restoration. Shoin’s ideas were way ahead of his time, but his radical thoughts made the authorities nervous.

Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?

Sample Answer: “It’s inspiring how Yoshida Shoin was willing to take such risks for the sake of learning. His attempt to board an American ship shows how committed he was to the idea of modernizing Japan.”

Q2: Please summarize this article.

Sample Answer: “This section talks about Yoshida Shoin’s efforts to modernize Japan, his desire to learn from the West, and his role as a teacher to many future leaders.”

Now, let’s talk using idioms.

・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.

Idiom used: “Way ahead of his time”
Explanation: This idiom means having ideas or thoughts that are advanced compared to what is typical for the time period.

Example Sentence: “Yoshida Shoin’s ideas about modernization were way ahead of his time, pushing Japan to embrace Western knowledge.”




Q1: この記事のこの部分についてどう思いますか?
サンプル回答: 「吉田松陰が学びのためにこれほどのリスクを冒したのは非常に感動的です。アメリカの船に乗ろうとした試みは、彼が日本の近代化をどれほど真剣に考えていたかを示しています。」

Q2: この記事を要約してください。
サンプル回答: 「このセクションは、吉田松陰が日本を近代化するために尽力し、西洋から学ぼうとしたこと、そして多くの未来のリーダーを教えたことを説明しています。」

使用されたイディオム: “Way ahead of his time”
説明: このイディオムは、その時代に比べて非常に進んだ考えやアイデアを持っていることを意味します。
例文: “Yoshida Shoin’s ideas about modernization were way ahead of his time, pushing Japan to embrace Western knowledge.”
和訳: 「吉田松陰の近代化に関する考えは、その時代よりもはるかに先を行っていて、日本に西洋の知識を受け入れることを促しました。」

2. The Arrest and Imprisonment

Unfortunately, Yoshida Shoin’s radical ideas and activities drew the attention of the Tokugawa shogunate, who saw him as a threat to their control. Shoin openly criticized the government and even plotted to assassinate officials who were blocking Japan’s modernization. He believed that drastic action was necessary to push Japan forward. This eventually led to his arrest and imprisonment. Despite being imprisoned, he continued to teach and inspire those around him. Shoin’s determination never wavered, even when facing harsh conditions.

Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?
Sample Answer: “Shoin’s bravery in standing up against the government, even knowing the risks, is really impressive. It must have been difficult to keep inspiring others while in prison.”

Q2: Please summarize this article.
Sample Answer: “This section explains how Yoshida Shoin was arrested due to his radical ideas and criticism of the shogunate. Despite his imprisonment, he continued to inspire others.”

Now, let’s talk using idioms.

・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.

Idiom used: “Draw attention”
Explanation: This idiom means to cause people to notice something or someone, often leading to scrutiny or interest.

Example Sentence: “Yoshida Shoin’s radical ideas drew the attention of the shogunate, eventually leading to his arrest.”




Q1: この記事のこの部分についてどう思いますか?
サンプル回答: 「政府に反対するリスクを知りながらも立ち向かった松陰の勇気は本当に感動的です。牢獄の中で他の人々に影響を与え続けるのは大変だったに違いありません。」

Q2: この記事を要約してください。
サンプル回答: 「このセクションでは、吉田松陰が急進的な考えや幕府への批判のために逮捕されたこと、そして投獄中でも他の人々に感化を与え続けたことが説明されています。」

使用されたイディオム: “Draw attention”
説明: このイディオムは、何かや誰かに対して人々の注目を集め、しばしば監視や関心を引くことを意味します。
例文: “Yoshida Shoin’s radical ideas drew the attention of the shogunate, eventually leading to his arrest.”
和訳: 「吉田松陰の過激な考えは幕府の注意を引き、最終的には逮捕につながりました。」

3. The Execution and Legacy

On October 27, 1859, Yoshida Shoin was executed for his involvement in anti-shogunate activities. His execution was a tragic end for a man who only wanted to see his country thrive. However, Shoin’s ideas didn’t die with him. His teachings lived on in his students, many of whom went on to become key figures in the Meiji Restoration. It was like planting seeds that would later grow into something bigger. Shoin’s legacy is remembered as one of passion, sacrifice, and a vision for a stronger Japan. His willingness to stand up for change, even at the cost of his life, made him a symbol of determination.

Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?
Sample Answer: “It’s really sad that Shoin had to pay with his life, but it’s amazing how his ideas continued to influence Japan through his students. He truly made a lasting impact.”

Q2: Please summarize this article.
Sample Answer: “This section describes Yoshida Shoin’s execution and how his legacy continued through his students, who played major roles in Japan’s modernization.”

Now, let’s talk using idioms.

・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.

Idiom used: “Planting seeds”
Explanation: This idiom means to start something that will develop or grow in the future, often referring to ideas or actions that will lead to future success.

Example Sentence: “Shoin’s teachings were like planting seeds that later grew into the Meiji Restoration, shaping Japan’s future.


3. 処刑と遺産


Q1: この記事のこの部分についてどう思いますか?
サンプル回答: 「松陰が命を代償にしなければならなかったのは本当に悲しいですが、彼の思想が弟子たちを通じて日本に影響を与え続けたのは素晴らしいことです。彼は本当に永続的な影響を与えました。」

Q2: この記事を要約してください。
サンプル回答: 「このセクションは、吉田松陰の処刑と、彼の遺産がどのように弟子たちを通じて続き、日本の近代化に重要な役割を果たしたかを説明しています。」

使用されたイディオム: “Planting seeds”
説明: このイディオムは、将来成長または発展する何かを始めることを意味し、しばしば将来の成功につながるアイデアや行動を指します。
例文: “Shoin’s teachings were like planting seeds that later grew into the Meiji Restoration, shaping Japan’s future.”
和訳: 「松陰の教えは、後に明治維新へと成長する種をまくようなもので、日本の未来を形作りました。」
