

Panda Day: Celebrating the Arrival of Ueno Zoo’s Famous Pandas

The theme of this English resource is “Learn casual English through real events.”

1. The Arrival of Giant Pandas at Ueno Zoo

In 1972, Ueno Zoo in Tokyo welcomed two very special guests: giant pandas named Kang Kang and Lan Lan. Their arrival marked a significant moment in Japan’s cultural history, symbolizing friendship between Japan and China. The excitement around these adorable animals was so huge that it even sparked “Panda Fever.” People from all over Japan came to Ueno Zoo to catch a glimpse of these fascinating creatures. It’s no wonder that October 28th became known as “Panda Day,” commemorating their arrival.

Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?
Sample Answer: “It’s really amazing how the arrival of two pandas could create such a big cultural impact. It shows how much people were excited about them and the friendship between Japan and China.”

Q2: Create a question excerpted from this article.
Sample Answer: “Why did the arrival of Kang Kang and Lan Lan become such a significant event for Japan?”

Q3: How would you sum up this section in a few words?
Sample Answer: “Panda arrival sparked cultural excitement.”

Now, let’s talk using idioms.

・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.

Idiom used: “Sparked a fever”
Explanation: This idiom means to create a sudden widespread excitement or craze about something.
Example Sentence: “The arrival of the pandas at Ueno Zoo sparked a fever across Japan, with thousands of people eager to see them.”

1. 上野動物園にジャイアントパンダが到着


Q1: この部分についてどう思いますか?
サンプル回答: 「2匹のパンダの到着がこれほど大きな文化的な影響を与えたのは本当に驚きです。人々がどれだけ彼らに興奮し、日本と中国の友好を大切にしていたかがよく分かります。」

Q2: この記事から引用された質問を作成してください。
サンプル回答: 「なぜカンカンとランランの到着は日本にとってこれほど重要な出来事となったのですか?」

Q3: このセクションを数語で要約すると?
サンプル回答: 「パンダの到着が文化的な興奮を引き起こした」

使用されたイディオム: “Sparked a fever”
説明: このイディオムは、何かに対して突然の広範な興奮や熱狂を引き起こすことを意味します。
例文: 「上野動物園にパンダが到着したことで、日本中に熱狂が広がりました。」

2. The Cultural Impact of Pandas

The pandas quickly became beloved symbols in Japan. They were featured in newspapers, TV programs, and even merchandise like toys and clothing. The fascination with these gentle giants brought people together and gave Japan a reason to celebrate something joyful during a time when the country was going through various challenges. It wasn’t just about the pandas—it was about hope, friendship, and a shared sense of happiness.

Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?
Sample Answer: “I think it’s interesting how much influence the pandas had on Japanese culture. It’s nice to see how something as simple as an animal could bring so much happiness to people.”

Q2: Create a question excerpted from this article.
Sample Answer: “How did the pandas become cultural symbols in Japan, and why were they so beloved?”

Q3: How would you sum up this section in a few words?
Sample Answer: “Pandas became symbols of hope.”

Now, let’s talk using idioms.

・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.

Idiom used: “Brought people together”
Explanation: This idiom means to unite people, usually in a positive way, often around a common event or cause.
Example Sentence: “The arrival of the pandas brought people together, giving them a sense of shared joy and excitement.”

2. パンダの文化的影響


Q1: この部分についてどう思いますか?
サンプル回答: 「パンダが日本の文化に与えた影響の大きさが興味深いと思います。動物のような単純な存在が人々にこれほどの幸せをもたらすことができるのは素晴らしいです。」

Q2: この記事から引用された質問を作成してください。
サンプル回答: 「パンダはどのようにして日本の文化的なシンボルとなり、なぜそれほど愛されたのか?」

Q3: このセクションを数語で要約すると?
サンプル回答: 「パンダは希望のシンボルとなった」

使用されたイディオム: “Brought people together”
説明: このイディオムは、通常は共通の出来事や目的を通じて人々を団結させることを意味します。
例文: 「パンダの到着は人々を団結させ、共通の喜びと興奮をもたらしました。」
和訳: 「パンダの到着は人々を団結させ、共通の喜びと興奮をもたらしました。」

3. The Legacy of Panda Day

Even decades later, the legacy of Kang Kang and Lan Lan lives on. The pandas left a lasting mark, not only on Ueno Zoo but on the hearts of people all over Japan. Panda Day is still celebrated to this day, serving as a reminder of the power of international friendship and how animals can create bonds between people. Their story is a great example of how small gestures—like the arrival of two pandas—can lead to big cultural impacts that are remembered for generations.

Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?
Sample Answer: “It’s heartwarming to see how the pandas are still remembered and how their arrival created such a positive impact. It shows how much people value moments of joy and connection.”

Q2: Create a question excerpted from this article.
Sample Answer: “What is the lasting legacy of Kang Kang and Lan Lan’s arrival at Ueno Zoo?”

Q3: How would you sum up this section in a few words?
Sample Answer: “Panda legacy of friendship endures.”

Now, let’s talk using idioms.

・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.

Idiom used: “Left a lasting mark”
Explanation: This idiom means to have a significant and enduring impact on something or someone.
Example Sentence: “The pandas left a lasting mark on Japanese culture, symbolizing joy and international friendship.”

3. パンダの日の遺産


Q1: この部分についてどう思いますか?
サンプル回答: 「パンダが今でも記憶され、彼らの到着がこれほどポジティブな影響を与えたのを見ると心が温まります。人々が喜びやつながりの瞬間をどれだけ大切にしているかがよく分かります。」

Q2: この記事から引用された質問を作成してください。
サンプル回答: 「カンカンとランランの上野動物園への到着が残した遺産とは何ですか?」

Q3: このセクションを数語で要約すると?
サンプル回答: 「パンダの友情の遺産が続く」

使用されたイディオム: “Left a lasting mark”
説明: このイディオムは、何かまたは誰かに対して重要で長続きする影響を与えることを意味します。
例文: 「パンダは日本の文化に永続的な影響を与え、喜びと国際的な友情の象徴となりました。」
和訳: 「パンダは日本の文化に永続的な影響を与え、喜びと国際的な友情の象徴となりました。」
