Joseph Pulitzer: The Man Behind Modern Journalism
The theme of this English resource is “Learn casual English through real events.”
1. The Life and Rise of Joseph Pulitzer
Joseph Pulitzer was born in 1847 in Hungary and eventually made his way to the United States, where he would change the face of journalism forever. He started his career in America as a soldier in the Civil War, but after the war ended, he turned his attention to journalism. Pulitzer quickly made a name for himself as a determined and hardworking journalist, known for his commitment to uncovering the truth. He eventually bought his own newspaper, The New York World, and used it to fight corruption and give a voice to the common people.
Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?
Sample Answer: “It’s impressive how Joseph Pulitzer started from humble beginnings and managed to create such a big impact on journalism. His commitment to giving a voice to the people is inspiring.”
Q2: Create a question excerpted from this article.
Sample Answer: “How did Joseph Pulitzer begin his journey in journalism after arriving in the United States?”
Q3: How would you sum up this section in a few words?
Sample Answer: “Pulitzer’s rise in journalism.”
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom used: “Made a name for himself”
Explanation: This idiom means to become well-known or famous for something, usually through one’s own actions or achievements.
Example Sentence: “Joseph Pulitzer made a name for himself in journalism by tirelessly fighting for the truth.”
1. ジョセフ・ピュリッツァーの生涯と成功への道
Q1: この部分についてどう思いますか?
サンプル回答: 「ジョセフ・ピュリッツァーがどんなに謙虚な始まりからスタートし、ジャーナリズムに大きな影響を与えたのかが素晴らしいです。彼が人々に声を届けるために尽力した姿勢は感動的です。」
Q2: この記事から引用された質問を作成してください。
サンプル回答: 「ジョセフ・ピュリッツァーは、アメリカに到着してからどのようにしてジャーナリズムの道を歩み始めたのか?」
Q3: このセクションを数語で要約すると?
サンプル回答: 「ピュリッツァーのジャーナリズムの成功」
使用されたイディオム: “Made a name for himself”
説明: このイディオムは、通常は自分の行動や業績を通じて有名になる、または名声を得ることを意味します。
例文: 「ジョセフ・ピュリッツァーは、真実を追求することでジャーナリズムで名を上げました。」
和訳: 「ジョセフ・ピュリッツァーは真実を求めて努力し続けたことで、ジャーナリズムで名を上げました。」
2. Pulitzer’s Influence on Modern Journalism

Pulitzer didn’t just report the news—he transformed it. He was a pioneer of investigative journalism and believed in making news both informative and entertaining. His style of sensational storytelling, often called “yellow journalism,” drew in large audiences. While this approach had its critics, it undeniably changed how news was consumed and delivered, bringing stories that mattered to the front pages. Pulitzer also introduced new journalistic practices, like in-depth investigations and human-interest stories, making news accessible and engaging for everyday people.
Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?
Sample Answer: “I think it’s fascinating how Pulitzer’s way of reporting made news more interesting to the public. His focus on investigative journalism really changed how we consume news today.”
Q2: Create a question excerpted from this article.
Sample Answer: “What kind of changes did Pulitzer bring to journalism, and how did they affect news consumption?”
Q3: How would you sum up this section in a few words?
Sample Answer: “Pulitzer’s news transformation.”
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom used: “Drew in large audiences”
Explanation: This idiom means to attract a lot of people, usually through an action or event that is interesting or entertaining.
Example Sentence: “Pulitzer’s sensational stories drew in large audiences, making his newspaper one of the most popular in the country.”
2. モダンジャーナリズムへのピュリッツァーの影響
Q1: この部分についてどう思いますか?
サンプル回答: 「ピュリッツァーの報道方法がニュースをより興味深くしたというのは面白いと思います。彼の調査報道への注力が、今日のニュースの消費の仕方を大きく変えました。」
Q2: この記事から引用された質問を作成してください。
サンプル回答: 「ピュリッツァーはジャーナリズムにどのような変化をもたらし、それがニュースの消費にどのように影響したのか?」
Q3: このセクションを数語で要約すると?
サンプル回答: 「ピュリッツァーのニュース変革」
使用されたイディオム: “Drew in large audiences”
説明: このイディオムは、通常は何か興味深いまたはエンターテイニングな行動や出来事によって、多くの人を引き付けることを意味します。
例文: 「ピュリッツァーのセンセーショナルな記事は多くの観客を引き付け、彼の新聞を国内で最も人気のあるものの一つにしました。」
和訳: 「ピュリッツァーのセンセーショナルな記事は多くの観客を引き付け、彼の新聞を国内で最も人気のあるものの一つにしました。」
3. The Legacy of Joseph Pulitzer

Joseph Pulitzer’s impact didn’t end with his death in 1911. He left behind a legacy that continues to influence journalism today. Most notably, he established the Pulitzer Prize, which has become the highest honor in journalism and the arts. The Pulitzer Prize rewards excellence in journalism, literature, and musical composition, and it continues to set the standard for quality and integrity in reporting. Joseph Pulitzer’s dedication to truth, innovation, and storytelling has left an enduring legacy that serves as a benchmark for all journalists.
Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?
Sample Answer: “It’s incredible how Pulitzer’s influence continues today through the Pulitzer Prize. It’s a testament to his commitment to quality journalism and storytelling.”
Q2: Create a question excerpted from this article.
Sample Answer: “What is the legacy of Joseph Pulitzer, and how is it still relevant today?”
Q3: How would you sum up this section in a few words?
Sample Answer: “Pulitzer Prize and lasting impact.”
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom used: “Left behind a legacy”
Explanation: This idiom means to create something enduring that continues to have an impact even after one’s death.
Example Sentence: “Joseph Pulitzer left behind a legacy that continues to inspire journalists through the Pulitzer Prize.”
3. ジョセフ・ピュリッツァーの遺産
Q1: この部分についてどう思いますか?
サンプル回答: 「ピュリッツァーの影響がピュリッツァー賞を通じて今でも続いているのはすごいことです。それは彼の質の高いジャーナリズムと物語作りへの献身の証です。」
Q2: この記事から引用された質問を作成してください。
サンプル回答: 「ジョセフ・ピュリッツァーの遺産とは何であり、今日でもどのように関連しているのか?」
Q3: このセクションを数語で要約すると?
サンプル回答: 「ピュリッツァー賞と持続的な影響」
使用されたイディオム: “Left behind a legacy”
説明: このイディオムは、誰かの死後も続く持続的な影響を持つ何かを創り出すことを意味します。
例文: 「ジョセフ・ピュリッツァーは、ピュリッツァー賞を通じてジャーナリストたちを今もなお鼓舞する遺産を残しました。」
和訳: 「ジョセフ・ピュリッツァーは、ピュリッツァー賞を通じてジャーナリストたちを今もなお鼓舞する遺産を残しました。」