The History and Legacy of Yomiuri Shimbun: From 1874 to Modern Influence
The theme of this English resource is “Learn casual English through real events.”
Section 1: The Founding of Yomiuri Shimbun
Yomiuri Shimbun was founded on November 2, 1874, in Toranomon, Tokyo by Nisshusha. It started as a modest newspaper but soon became one of Japan’s most influential publications. The foundation of Yomiuri Shimbun marked a significant milestone in the history of Japanese journalism, playing a vital role in informing the public and shaping opinions.
Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?
- Sample Answer: I think it’s fascinating how Yomiuri Shimbun started so long ago and became such an important part of Japanese media. It must have taken a lot of hard work to grow from a small publication to a major newspaper.
Q2: Create a question excerpted from this article.
- Sample Question: When was Yomiuri Shimbun founded and where?
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom Explanation: “Play a vital role”
- Meaning: To be very important or necessary in a particular situation or activity.
- Example Sentence: Yomiuri Shimbun played a vital role in the development of Japanese journalism.
Section 1: 読売新聞の創刊
Q1: この記事のこの部分についてどう思いますか?
- サンプル回答: 読売新聞がこれほど昔に創刊され、これほど重要な存在となったことは非常に興味深いと思います。小さな出版物から主要な新聞に成長するためには多くの努力が必要だったに違いありません。
Q2: この記事から抜粋した質問を作成してください。
- サンプル質問: 読売新聞はいつ、どこで創刊されましたか?
イディオムの解説: “Play a vital role”
- 意味: 特定の状況や活動において非常に重要または必要な役割を果たすこと。
- 例文: 読売新聞は日本のジャーナリズムの発展において重要な役割を果たしました。
Section 2: The Growth of Yomiuri Shimbun

Over the years, Yomiuri Shimbun grew rapidly in both circulation and influence. By focusing on delivering news that mattered to the public and maintaining a standard of high-quality journalism, it became one of the largest newspapers in Japan. The success of Yomiuri Shimbun is attributed to its commitment to accuracy and relevance, which helped it gain a loyal readership.
Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?
- Sample Answer: It’s impressive to see how Yomiuri Shimbun managed to grow so quickly. Their commitment to quality journalism is clearly what set them apart and helped them build a loyal audience.
Q2: Create a question excerpted from this article.
- Sample Question: What factors contributed to the growth of Yomiuri Shimbun over the years?
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom Explanation: “Set them apart”
- Meaning: To make someone or something different from others in a noticeable way.
- Example Sentence: The commitment to quality journalism set Yomiuri Shimbun apart from other newspapers.
Section 2: 読売新聞の成長
Q1: この記事のこの部分についてどう思いますか?
- サンプル回答: 読売新聞がこれほど迅速に成長したのは本当にすごいと思います。品質の高いジャーナリズムへの取り組みが、他と差別化し、忠実な読者を築く助けになったのだと感じます。
Q2: この記事から抜粋した質問を作成してください。
- サンプル質問: 読売新聞の成長に寄与した要因は何ですか?
イディオムの解説: “Set them apart”
- 意味: 誰かや何かを他と際立たせる、目立たせること。
- 例文: 品質の高いジャーナリズムへの取り組みが、読売新聞を他の新聞と差別化しました。
Section 3: Yomiuri Shimbun’s Impact on Society

Yomiuri Shimbun’s impact on Japanese society cannot be overstated. It has been a major source of information for over a century, providing insights into political, social, and cultural changes. The newspaper has not only reported on events but also influenced public opinion and contributed to shaping modern Japan. Its long-standing presence and dedication to journalistic integrity have made it a trusted source for millions of readers.
Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?
- Sample Answer: I think it’s amazing how much influence Yomiuri Shimbun has had on society. Being a source of information for over a century is a big achievement, and it shows their dedication to keeping people informed.
Q2: Create a question excerpted from this article.
- Sample Question: How has Yomiuri Shimbun impacted Japanese society?
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom Explanation: “Cannot be overstated”
- Meaning: Used to emphasize that something is extremely important or significant.
- Example Sentence: The impact of Yomiuri Shimbun on Japanese society cannot be overstated.
Section 3: 読売新聞が社会に与えた影響
Q1: この記事のこの部分についてどう思いますか?
- サンプル回答: 読売新聞が社会にこれほどの影響を与えてきたことは本当に驚くべきことだと思います。1世紀以上にわたる情報源であるというのは大きな業績であり、人々に情報を提供し続けることへの彼らの献身を示しています。
Q2: この記事から抜粋した質問を作成してください。
- サンプル質問: 読売新聞は日本社会にどのような影響を与えましたか?
イディオムの解説: “Cannot be overstated”
- 意味: 何かが非常に重要であることを強調するために使われる表現。
- 例文: 読売新聞が日本社会に与えた影響は計り知れません。