The Reformation Day: A Key Turning Point in Christian History
The theme of this English resource is “Learn casual English through real events.”
Section 1: The Origins of Reformation Day
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther, a German monk and theology professor, nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle church. This act is often seen as the starting point of the Protestant Reformation, a movement that questioned the practices of the Catholic Church and led to significant religious, cultural, and political changes across Europe. Luther’s main issue was with the sale of indulgences, which were essentially payments made to reduce punishment for sins. His bold move on this day sparked debates and a desire for change that would impact Christianity forever.
Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?
Sample Answer: “I think it’s amazing how one person’s actions can ignite such a huge movement. Luther’s courage to stand up for what he believed in is really inspiring.”
Q2: Create a question excerpted from this article.
Sample Answer: “What action did Martin Luther take on October 31, 1517, that started the Protestant Reformation?”
Q3: What led Martin Luther to take action against the Catholic Church?
Sample Answer: “He was concerned about the sale of indulgences and wanted to reform church practices.”
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom used: “Sparked debates”
Explanation: This idiom means to start or initiate discussions or arguments, often about a controversial topic.
Example Sentence: “Martin Luther’s actions sparked debates across Europe about the role of the church.”
セクション1: 宗教改革記念日の起源
Q1: 記事のこの部分についてどう思いますか?
サンプル回答: 「一人の行動がこんなに大きな運動を引き起こすなんて驚きです。ルターが信じるもののために立ち上がった勇気は本当に感動的です。」
Q2: 記事から質問を作成してください。
サンプル回答: 「1517年10月31日にマルティン・ルターが行った行動は何で、それがプロテスタント宗教改革の始まりとなりましたか?」
Q3: ルターがカトリック教会に対して行動を起こした理由は何ですか?
サンプル回答: 「彼は贖宥状の販売に懸念を抱いており、教会の慣習を改革したかったからです。」
使用されたイディオム: 「議論を引き起こした(Sparked debates)」
説明: このイディオムは、議論や討論を始めたり引き起こしたりすることを意味します。
例文: 「マルティン・ルターの行動は、教会の役割についてヨーロッパ中で議論を引き起こしました。」
Section 2: The Spread of the Reformation

The Reformation quickly spread beyond Germany and took hold in many parts of Europe. Leaders like John Calvin and Huldrych Zwingli joined Luther in pushing for religious reforms. These reforms led to the establishment of various Protestant denominations, breaking away from the authority of the Pope and the Catholic Church. The Reformation didn’t just change the church—it had far-reaching effects on European politics, education, and society. People started reading the Bible in their own languages, which fostered literacy and personal interpretations of scripture.
Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?
Sample Answer: “It’s interesting how the Reformation led to more people becoming literate because they wanted to read the Bible for themselves. It shows the power of knowledge and education.”
Q2: Create a question excerpted from this article.
Sample Answer: “How did the Reformation impact literacy in Europe?”
Q3: What was the effect of people reading the Bible in their own languages?
Sample Answer: “It helped increase literacy and allowed people to form their own interpretations of scripture.”
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom used: “Took hold”
Explanation: This idiom means to become established or to start to have a strong effect.
Example Sentence: “The Reformation took hold in many parts of Europe, leading to significant religious changes.”
セクション2: 宗教改革の広がり
Q1: 記事のこの部分についてどう思いますか?
サンプル回答: 「宗教改革が、聖書を読みたいために多くの人が識字できるようになったことは興味深いです。知識と教育の力を示しています。」
Q2: 記事から質問を作成してください。
サンプル回答: 「宗教改革はヨーロッパにおける識字率にどのような影響を与えましたか?」
Q3: 人々が自分の言語で聖書を読むことの影響は何でしたか?
サンプル回答: 「識字率が向上し、人々は自分自身の解釈を持つようになりました。」
使用されたイディオム: 「根付いた(Took hold)」
説明: このイディオムは、確立される、または強い効果を持ち始めることを意味します。
例文: 「宗教改革はヨーロッパの多くの地域に根付き、重要な宗教的変化をもたらしました。」

Section 3: The Impact of the Reformation
The Reformation’s impact extended far beyond religious practices. It influenced education, as Protestant leaders emphasized the importance of literacy and encouraged people to read the Bible in their own languages. This movement also had political ramifications, weakening the power of the Catholic Church and leading to the rise of nation-states. The Reformation laid the foundation for modern democracy by promoting individual thinking and questioning authority, principles that are still valued today.
Q1: What are your thoughts on this part of the article?
Sample Answer: “I find it fascinating how the Reformation helped shape modern political ideas like democracy. It’s interesting to see how questioning authority can lead to such lasting changes.”
Q2: Create a question excerpted from this article.
Sample Answer: “How did the Reformation influence the development of modern democracy?”
Q3: What were the political effects of the Reformation?
Sample Answer: “It weakened the power of the Catholic Church and contributed to the rise of nation-states and modern democratic ideas.”
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom used: “Questioning authority”
Explanation: This idiom means to challenge or doubt the legitimacy of those in power.
Example Sentence: “The Reformation encouraged people to start questioning authority, which eventually led to significant political changes.”
セクション3: 宗教改革の影響
Q1: 記事のこの部分についてどう思いますか?\
サンプル回答: 「宗教改革が現代の政治思想、例えば民主主義の形成に役立ったのはとても興味深いです。権威に疑問を投げかけることがこんなに長続きする変化を生むとは驚きです。」
Q2: 記事から質問を作成してください。\
サンプル回答: 「宗教改革は現代の民主主義の発展にどのように影響を与えましたか?」
Q3: 宗教改革の政治的影響は何でしたか?\
サンプル回答: 「カトリック教会の力を弱め、国家の台頭と現代の民主的な考え方に寄与しました。」
使用されたイディオム: 「権威に疑問を投げかける(Questioning authority)」\
説明: このイディオムは、権力を持つ人々の正当性に挑戦したり、疑問を投げかけたりすることを意味します。\
例文: 「宗教改革は人々に権威に疑問を投げかけ始めさせ、最終的に重大な政治的変化をもたらしました。」