The First Nationwide NHK Broadcast in 1928
The theme of this English resource is “Learn casual English through real events.”
Section 1: NHK’s Historic First Broadcast
In 1928, NHK made history by conducting the first nationwide radio broadcast in Japan. This monumental event marked the beginning of a new era in communication, allowing people across the country to hear the same news and programs for the first time. It was a groundbreaking moment that united the Japanese people in a shared experience.
Q1: When did NHK conduct its first nationwide broadcast?
Sample Answer: NHK conducted its first nationwide broadcast in 1928.
Q2: Why was the first nationwide broadcast considered historic?
Sample Answer: It was historic because it marked the beginning of a new era in communication and allowed people across Japan to hear the same news and programs for the first time.
Q3: What was the significance of the broadcast?
Sample Answer: The broadcast was significant because it united the Japanese people in a shared experience.
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom Explanation: “Made history”
Made history means to do something very important or significant that will be remembered.
Example Sentence: NHK made history in 1928 with its first nationwide broadcast.
Section 1: NHK初の歴史的放送
Q1: NHKが初めての全国放送を行ったのはいつですか?
サンプル回答: NHKは1928年に初めての全国放送を行いました。
Q2: なぜ初めての全国放送は歴史的だと考えられましたか?
サンプル回答: それはコミュニケーションの新たな時代の幕開けを告げ、初めて全国の人々が同じニュースや番組を聞けるようになったためです。
Q3: その放送の重要性は何でしたか?
サンプル回答: その放送は日本の人々を共有体験で結びつけた点で重要でした。
イディオム解説: “歴史に名を刻む”
歴史に名を刻む とは、とても重要で後世に記憶されるようなことをすることを意味します。
例文: NHKは1928年に初の全国放送を行い、歴史に名を刻みました。
Section 2: Challenges of Broadcasting Nationwide

Broadcasting nationwide in 1928 was no easy task. NHK faced numerous technical challenges, such as setting up transmission towers and ensuring the signal reached distant regions. Despite these obstacles, NHK pulled through and succeeded in delivering a unified broadcast that reached listeners all over Japan.
Q1: What challenges did NHK face during the first nationwide broadcast?
Sample Answer: NHK faced technical challenges, such as setting up transmission towers and ensuring the signal reached distant regions.
Q2: How did NHK overcome the challenges of broadcasting?
Sample Answer: NHK’s determination paid off, and they succeeded in delivering a unified broadcast.
Q3: Why was broadcasting nationwide in 1928 difficult?
Sample Answer: It was difficult because they had to set up transmission towers and ensure the signal reached distant regions.
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom Explanation: “Pulled through”
Pulled through means to overcome difficulties or a challenging situation successfully.
Example Sentence: Despite the challenges, NHK pulled through and successfully broadcasted nationwide.
Section 2: 全国放送の課題
Q1: NHKは初の全国放送中にどのような課題に直面しましたか?
サンプル回答: NHKは、送信塔の設置や遠隔地への信号の到達を確保するなどの技術的な課題に直面しました。
Q2: NHKはどのようにして放送の課題を克服しましたか?
サンプル回答: NHKの決意が実を結び、統一された放送を届けることに成功しました。
Q3: なぜ1928年に全国放送を行うことが困難だったのですか?
サンプル回答: 送信塔の設置や遠隔地への信号の到達を確保する必要があったため、困難でした。
イディオム解説: “困難を乗り越える”
困難を乗り越える とは、困難や挑戦的な状況をうまく乗り越えることを意味します。
例文: さまざまな課題にもかかわらず、NHKは困難を乗り越え、全国放送に成功しました。
Section 3: The Impact of the Broadcast

The impact of NHK’s first nationwide broadcast was profound. People from all walks of life could hear the same news and entertainment, fostering a sense of national unity. The event also paved the way for future advancements in broadcasting technology and set the standard for media communication in Japan.
Q1: What was the impact of NHK’s first nationwide broadcast?
Sample Answer: It allowed people from all walks of life to hear the same news and entertainment, fostering a sense of national unity.
Q2: How did the broadcast affect the future of media in Japan?
Sample Answer: It paved the way for future advancements in broadcasting technology and set the standard for media communication.
Q3: What sense did the broadcast foster among the Japanese people?
Sample Answer: The broadcast fostered a sense of national unity among the Japanese people.
Now, let’s talk using idioms.
・Let the students choose one favorite idiom and make an example sentence.
Idiom Explanation: “Paved the way”
Paved the way means to create a situation in which something can happen or develop more easily.
Example Sentence: The first nationwide broadcast paved the way for future advancements in broadcasting technology.
Section 3: 放送の影響
Q1: NHKの初の全国放送の影響は何でしたか?
サンプル回答: あらゆる生活層の人々が同じニュースや娯楽を聞くことができ、国民の一体感を醸成しました。
Q2: 放送は日本のメディアの未来にどのような影響を与えましたか?
サンプル回答: それは将来の放送技術の進歩への道を開き、メディアコミュニケーションの基準を確立しました。
Q3: 放送は日本の人々にどのような感覚を醸成しましたか?
サンプル回答: 放送は日本の人々の間に国民の一体感を醸成しました。
イディオム解説: “道を開いた”
道を開いた とは、何かがより簡単に起こる、または発展する状況を作り出すことを意味します。
例文: 初の全国放送は、将来の放送技術の進歩への道を開きました。